Sunday, October 25, 2015

Way too much Stuff!

Have you ever been TOO creative? Had too much inspiration? I think that's what's happened to me. Let's see, since we last posted I've made: shoes, dresses, skirts, jewelry and more shoes.

Let's start with some houndstooth! These adorable minidresses are just $50L each and come in 5 sizes, rigged mesh. I made them in red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, pink, white, grey and the $1L version of rainbow. Wow! That's a lot of dresses.

But what's a dress without matching boots? I fell in love with this boot shape with the buckles so I had to make them match the houndstooth minidresses! Grab these for only $25L! They are unrigged so you can move and resize them to fit your AV or try to get them to fit your mesh body. There are so many bodies I can't guarantee them fitting.

Now, let's talk freebies. I finally got two Lucky Boards! So when you have LBs you need special items in them, right? How about a snazzy little dress and some to die for FIERCE Slink High stilettos?


More Freebies you demand? How about a hunt? The What do you sell Hunt 4 runs from Nov 1-Nov 30 and I'm a participate! And wait til you see what I've put together. This great combo of a sexy little cropped tank and geometric print skirt. Grab the matching shoes with color change HUD for $25L near the hunt sign!

If you are a subscriber to Budget Friendly Designs, you probably received a special gift. A spooky charm bracelet and cutesy Halloween necklaces. If you haven't hit the Subscriber at the Main Store, then you need to click on this Main Store and slap it. Then slap the white box under the sign to get any previous gifts. 
If you aren't following this blog, then you're missing out on all the best from Budget Friendly Designs - Nothing over $50L! 

Monday, October 12, 2015

Halloween goodies!

Halloween is one of the best times in SL. The gifts are flowing and we can be.. a different whoever we want to be! Costumes are crazy in Secondlife!

I was feeling the magic and got to working. Here's some free stuff

Then I HAD to make a dress to match the shoes!

Everything near the front of the store under the horrible spider!